Post-Budget Summit

2025 BPD Annual Conference
This annual event will focus on the critical issues impacting the life sciences sector and all stakeholders with an interest in access to health technologies.
19 May 2025
Sydney, Australia
The Ivy Ballroom
The half-day summit will discuss the implications of the Labor federal government's first Budget and the progress of other policy initiatives, including the National Medicines Policy and health technology assessment reviews.

About The Event.
The annual event occurs at a critical time with an expected federal election and the implementation of major policy initiatives, including the Health Technology Assessment Review.
An agenda for people interested in what stakeholders with an interest in access to health technologies should expected in the lead up to the election
The program will be built to provide an engaging, informed and wide-ranging discussion on these and other related issues with the goal to ensure an open dialogue involving patients.
Complimentary registration will be available for patients and their representatives - email contact@dailydispatch.com.au for more information.

Speakers and Program
We are preparing a program focused on the most relevant issues for stakeholders interested in access to health technologies. The timing is critical, given the expected federal election, the implications of which will form a significant part of the program.
Register for the 2025 BPD Annual Conference